The Strategist

The future of telehealth reimbursement after the PHE

Posted By The Academy

February 25, 2022

This issue of the Strategist includes:

The future of telehealth reimbursement: where will the economic model land?

This issue also features the following Market Scans:

1. The DOJ blocks UHG’s acquisition of Change Healthcare in sign that scrutiny in healthcare M&A may be ramping up (and becoming more equal)

2. After progressive lawmakers criticize the program, Direct Contracting program will get a new name and slightly new features in 2023

3. After many insurers miss 2022 MA enrollment targets, engagement rates and “stickiness” of MA plans becomes more vital

4. Thirty Madison acquires Nurx, as single-focus platforms search for scale with payers and employers

Key Words: Virtual care; M&A; value-based care; Medicare Advantage; Disruptors

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